You know, my favorite times are when I'm in a quiet, empty house. When I can sit here without a time-limit, without a sense of time, and think. I think a lot, and sometimes the thought's aren't always good. But I try to think on things that please God. And I don't know if you ever get this feeling, but sometimes there are moments when I feel like God is calling me to sit and think quietly. It's normally when He has something to say.
The other day I was very confused and thoughts and feelings were hitting me out of nowhere. I was lost in my mind and didn't know what to do. So I went back and tried to do a quiet time. I tried to find the answers in the Bible (because it has all the answers, right?) but my frantic flipping of pages wasn't doing anything. So I stopped and just prayed and then something awesome happened. I literally had a conversation with God. I talked, He talked. I asked, He answered. I wrote it down in my prayer journal and for some reason, I feel like I should share it with you guys. So here's what I wrote down as I talked with God.
How do you want me to live for you, Lord?
Do you remember how you were in 8th grade, Sarah? Do you remember? Yes, you do. Was it hard to see Me in your life then? Was I hidden in your lifestyle?
No, I wasn't. That's all you have to do, Sarah. Give me your life. Surrender. Live for Me for real. Don't hold back. Give your whole life to Me. All of it.
But it was easier when surrounded by all of my godly friends.
People don't describe who you are, Sarah. Let Me describe you.
I will, but will it really work, Lord?
Are you doubting Me? Me, the One who is all-powerful? What a joke. I can make you influence the entire world just by following Me if I wanted to. Have faith, Sarah. Trust Me. Live for Me and only Me.
But... I can't to that, it's too hard with time and everything.
What are you doing now? You could be studying but you chose to come to Me. Let this be a daily discipline. If I'm important enough, you'll do it.
So can this be like an experiment?
No, this is a way of life. This is the only way to a real life. Life in Me.
Ok. I will. But please take away my doubts. Give me confidence, peace and joy that you're speaking to me so clearly.
What do you have to lose? You'll certainly never lose Me. I know you'll fail at some point but I'll be there to help you along. I'll shower you with blessings while on this journey. It will be quite an adventure. You will see amazing things.
I love you, Lord. I am so unworthy.
I love you too and that's enough. You're my princess and my child. Rest in My arms.
**after a while of silence**
Let me not worry about what I look like or how much I weigh.
Again, you are my princess, Sarah, and you're beautiful.
This is amazing.
I am always here for you. I always have something to tell you. I'm always whispering in your ear. Just listen...
I will choose to listen every day. I will choose to hear you constantly.
Good. Go, now, and work and I will be with you always.
It was an amazing experience. I had not had such a peaceful time with God in a long time. I could hear His voice so clearly in my head. I don't know if you've ever experienced something like that before but they are special moments. You can sense the Spirit. It was awesome. :D
Anyway... that was something I felt like I needed to share. I love you guys!
With love for Him.
Yours truly,