My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A new year?

So I've been thinking lately about New Year's. I've almost gone a year without drinking soda (on purpose, that is. There were two incidents where I was unaware that there was soda in a drink before it was too late, but that doesn't count) and so now that I've realized you actually can follow through on a New Year's Resolution, I'm wondering what my next one will be. Then, while in church today, the idea hit me, and here it is:

I believe my New Year's Resolution for 2011 will be to journal every day of my life for a year. But not just any journal, a prayer-like journal; a journal that records all of my spiritual happenings. This would include prayers to God, messages from God, all of my highs, lows, and fears; my complaints, my rejoices, my anger, my thankfulness, my doubt, and everything in between that I know will come. I'm thinking most of my entries will be prayers to God, just out of habit. I think it will really help me get consistent with my quiet times. I mean, who wants to write down "Never actually did my quiet time today, so nothing really happened. Thanks God, bye." every other day? I mean, that's how I feel. Also, I have never (and I mean NEVER) finished a journal. EVER. So this will be like killing two birds with one stone. :)

But how cool would it be to kill THREE birds with one stone? Talk about skill. What if I also read the whole Bible in a year? Two of my friends are reading through the Bible, they could encourage me. I know it sounds like a heavy load but imagine what I could learn from it! I could have myself so disciplined by 2012! Besides, if you think of it all like a story, it makes it a whole lot more interesting. :) I'll think and pray about it. But give me your opinion!

So.... what will be YOUR New Year's Resolution? Will you follow through?

With love for Him.

Yours truly,

p.s. I thought I'd try black font this time. What do you think? White or black? Or another color?


  1. Those sound like a really good New Years Resolution. It would definitely make your quiet times a lot more personal cause you would really have to focus on writing it. And that would be so cool if you could read the entire Bible in one year! I tried once when I was 11 and failed miserably, so I'm almost afraid to try it again because I got so burned out.
    Ok so here are my New Years resolutions (based on right now):
    1. Do my quiet times every day. I've been getting really good about it cause I love my devotional, but still sometimes I can be a slacker. So I want to do them every day this year.
    2. Write in my journal as much as possible. I don't necessarily have a specified spiritual journal, just one notebook that I put spiritual happenings, my general thoughts, poetry, etc. I want to continue doing it as much as possible because the writing is very liberating.
    3. *sigh* Excersise more.

    That's all the important ones. :) I love you! Merry Christmas!

  2. Those are good ones! :) Yeah, I've come up with these as my new years resolutions:
    1. keep a prayer journal for a year.
    2. read the Bible cover to cover (like a story)
    3. like you, exercise more. I want to focus on running.

  3. It would be amazing if we lived closer so we could run together. When I run by myself, I get lazy and I'll walk a lot. So if we lived closer we could run together and hold eachother accountable. :) *sigh*

  4. That would be cool :) I tend to set short-term goals while running. Like every tenth of a mile. Its the only way for me to get through it. Haha
