My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things in this world that make me say, "Just, no."

1. Hot dogs

2. Old people on Facebook

3. Meatloaf 

4. Speedos 

5. Badly dyed hair

6. Bad spray tans

7. Phone solicitors 

8. Veins in meat

9. Most fast food places

10. Hair found in food

11. Morbidly obese people who do not dress adequately (not to offend anyone, but seriously)

12. Really sad, sappy animal rescue commercials 

13. Roadkill

14. Little kids trying to be cool 

15. You. (Hahaha! Just kidding!)

What does this have to do with my life? Well... nothing. But I hope you got a smile out of it. :) Have a good day! Hasta manana! 

Yours truly,