My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things I learned in New York City

1. Never, EVER ride stand-by at the airport (spending 12 hours in the airport waiting to get on a flight, getting stranded in D.C., yeah, it was a mess)

2. Don't try to walk down six flights of stairs while exhausted... you will get very dizzy

3. Dogs pee on the sidewalks in NYC

5. The only people who ever go to Times Square are tourists (that also goes for the Empire State, standing outside of Good Morning America, etc.)

6. Subways are a gift from God when you've been walking all day

7. It is impossible to find bagels in airports

8. Airports suck

9. Cities back at the turn-of-the-century were really, really dangerous

10. There is a way to be assertive yet polite

11. When you go into the back of a store in Chinatown, you do not come out until you have a Michael Kors bag, Chanel perfume, and Tiffany jewelry... all fakes, of course

12. Modern art is simply misunderstood... it's really very amazing and they say a lot

13. In extension, I love most modern art

14. Even recently constructed buildings don't have a level 13

15. There really isn't much great food in NYC... if you want some amazing food, go to Chicago :)


  1. All are very true statements. Except I've never been to Chicago so I can't compare the food. I thought there were delicious restaurants but there is no food that is particularly distinct to NYC. It's like any city in that regard.
    I'm so embarrassed...when I was in New York City, I was really tired after a whole day of walking and decided not to go to MoMA. Biggest mistake ever. I only later found out that it had Van Gogh's Starry Starry Night (did you see it?) and many other wondrous works of art.
    Glad you had a good time!!

  2. Yes, I did see it! I also saw two panels of Monet's Water Lilies. I also saw some famous works of Salvador Dali and lots of Andy Warhol. It was fantastic. There were some amazing sculptures as well. You really need to go there one day, and make sure to do the listening tour part because it explains a lot about the artists and what they were trying to say through their art. It was very fascinating.
