My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Getting on my soap box...

Ok. I don't have a lot of time so I'm going to sum it up and preach my word and then go. So, this bad boy wants into my school, right? Inappropriate messages to girls, drugs, the whole kit and caboodle. His parents have nothing else to do but try to get him into our private Christian school and try to find someone there to almost mentor him as well as teach him. (I don't know the whole story, I'm just picking up bits and pieces). So here we are, deciding whether or not to let this kid in and some people are worried they'll let him in. They don't want that kid in our school because it will put the rest of the students around a bad influence, or they don't want to deal with him, whatever, whatever. My reaction: WHAT THE FREAKING CRAP???!!! Excuse my urgency but SERIOUSLY?! You call yourself a Christian???? I know I sound like I'm being harsh but honestly, HONESTLY! Of all the schools this kid could possibly go to, Fideles Christian School should be the best! What better place is there for a messed up teen to go to than a place where he is surrounded by Christians who can encourage him and help him??? That is what Christianity is about!!! Do you think the point of being a follower of God is to hole up in this secret club that no one else can join??? NO! We are supposed to be there for the broken and lost and  confused people! I don't care if it makes you a little uncomfortable (oh, heaven forbid holy us be uncomfortable), this is God's COMMAND! And do you seriously think all 100 of us are going to turn into Satan worshipers because this one kid came to our school??? A Christian school should be a refuge for the kids that nobody wants, not a desperate last resort or place of judgement. It amazes me all the time how screwed up our "Christianity" is  today. We are so flipping lazy and selfish and unconcerned with anyone but our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (and hardly that!). I hope with all of my heart that this kid comes to our school. I hope God will give me the honor of encouraging him and maybe changing him a bit for the better. That would just make my life. Now please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to have a holier-than-thou rant, I'm just totally outraged right now and have to get all of this out. These people make me sick. These "Christians" ought to rethink who they truly follow. This all sounds harsh, and maybe it is, but maybe that's what they need! I am almost shaking with anger... I have never seen such hypocritical behavior...

I have to go finish homework. Sorry to freak out on you then leave, but I really don't have time. Bye!


  1. Oh girrlll I totally agree. That's the thing about Christian schools. Yes, it is a great to be in a place where we worship God freely and don't have as many "worldly" issues as say, public schools would. But though Jesus wants us to not be "of the world," it doesn't mean Christians should be in this exclusive little group where they just condemn everyone else. Isn't that what the Pharisees did? And Jesus hated their hypocrisy! Everyone (including myself) needs to take a step back and examine ourselves before condemning others.
    So is this guy going to be let in or not? I hope he does, for your school's sake. I'll be praying for you!

  2. Exactly! And I don't know if he'll be coming or not but I'll let you know when I find out. Thank you for the prayers! Love you!
