So I just signed up and submitted a little piece of my work to this website called Teen Ink. It's also a magazine. On the website you can publish your writing and get feedback from other teens and such. It seemed like a cool place. So after entering one of my little mediocre snippets of writing, I go and look around at the "Voted Best of the Day" articles and... gosh, they are good. Some of the most vivid and poetic descriptions I've ever seen. Some of them better than most authors now-a-days. I was truly impressed. And these are teens! Just like me. Perhaps older, but still a juvenile. It was amazing...
I realized that though writing may come naturally to me, it doesn't mean I'm anywhere near the top. I have improved lately from where I was before, but I still have a long way to go. I'm not sure how but I need to practice more, to get better. I need to write more, get stricter criticism, open up to different genres, challenge myself, think differently, expand my vocabulary. Words are so deliciously beautiful, I just need to know more of them. I need to master the art of putting these words together to form this undeniable thing in everyone who reads it. I guess I never realized how much of a passion I have for writing. I have to get better, there is no doubt. I just need to figure out how. Any suggestions? Heh...
Go check out Teen Ink, it's pretty cool and you will see what I'm talking about. Ugh...
I can totally relate. It's almost stressful to me, because when I see so many amazing writers, I'm afraid I'll never truly have my own unique style. But it's also encouraging to read other people's work, because then I can see ways I need to improve. I'll definitely check out Teen Ink! :) It sounds like exactly what we both need.