My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I know everyone is posting "Pray for Japan" as their statuses on Facebook and such, but this really is a sad thing. An 8.9 earthquake and a tsunami causes devastating destruction. Over 400 people died. 400. That was 400 people who may or may not know Christ. That was 400 families effected. And more are dying every day. 

The tsunami means homes crushed, favorite stuffed animals lost, precious photos washed away. And as cheesy as this sounds, there is power in prayer. If we pray from our heart for the rebuilding of Japan, God will provide. So please, do pray for Japan. 

With humbled love for Him.

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. It makes my heart hurt when any world tragedy like that happens. And it makes ME feel helpless, so I can't imagine how they feel, losing practically everything. As much as I wish I could be over there in Japan working with some kind of relief team, prayer right now is the best we can do. It's comforting to know that this is in God's hands.
