My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Well, kids, it's been quite the school year. But that's all done and gone now. It's summer break and I'll probably not post much. I'll be off doing something more fun, more worthwhile. But, just so you know, here are my summer plans:

- I'm going to Maine (a 23 hour drive, by the way)
- I'm doing VBS at my church
- I'm going to church camp and World Changers
- I'm going camping with everyone like back in the old days (my aunt, uncle, cousins, cousin-in-law, siblings, brother-in-law, and the Beckers). I will be a classic Dobson-Schwartz-Becker camping trip, with Peeps and everything
- I'm going hiking/camping with my friends
- I'm doing more hiking with whoever
- I'm sleeping... alot

Well there you go. Hope your summer is grand! Sayonara!


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