My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

In time...

These next two weeks are going to suck pretty badly, but after that life is going to be so much better! For this approaching fortnight I'm going to have my hands full with school, stupid SAT prep classes, even worse driving classes, and bunches of homework and tests.

However, right after this interval of slavery comes a week of glorious freedom! Spring break is going to be so nice because it marks the end of my SAT prep classes, the end of my driving classes, a short reprieve from school (not to mention I'll be going to NYC! ah!), and the beginning of my 16th year. I am so ready to be able to drive by myself and give blood. Yeah, call me weird but what I'm looking forward to the most about being 16 (besides getting my license) is being able to give blood. After April 10th, I'm driving myself to the nearest blood drive. It'll be great! :)

Anyway, I need to go. Have a good weekend because the Lord knows I won't haha ;)



  1. So excited for you! :) That's a lot to look forward to. I've yet to give blood, but I really want to!
    Are you going to NYC on a mission trip or just a regular trip? :) That's one of my favorite places...

  2. I'm just going on a regular trip with my aunt and mom. It's like a little family tradition to take the girls of the family to New York City. :) I'm really excited.
