My public diary to get me through four years of high school...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

In the blink of an eye

Isn't it funny how things can seem so normal, so complacent and unchanging and then all of the sudden it's gone. Everything changes and you find yourself amongst rubble without ever realizing what caused it. That's kind of how I feel right now except it's not so severe. I just found out today that one of my good friend's parents are getting divorced and I just know that it is going to be hard for them. My friend is going to want talk to me about it and I'm ready for that and all. 

I guess I'm just sorry for them. But not the kind of sorry where you patronize them or sit there and pity them. I mean the kind of sorry where I just keep thinking that it is sad for them, and very unfortunate that this happened. And I know the hardships my friend and her mom will face in this next year or so. I see the troubles they will deal with. Yet more than anything, I can't shake this sense that God is totally in control of it all. I just know deep in my soul that His plan is to teach them so many things through this. And I think my job is to be there for her and guide her into a mindset that God is in control and has a plan. 

Isn't it funny how God takes what we think are the plans for our life and just totally twist it around? This whole divorce things is just gonna be a huge learning experience for everyone involved, including me. 

With trusting love for Him.

Yours truly,

1 comment:

  1. That's rough. I'll be praying for your friend and her family. Times like those really make me thankful that God is in control.
